
The Weight of Sorrow

I sat on my couch utterly exhausted. I’d been coughing for six days – deep, lung-wracking coughs that snatched at my breath. As I labored to breathe, a thought swept over me. I was done. I was tired of breathing and wanted it to stop so I could rest…

A (step)Mama’s Love

My heart broke last night. It seems like it’s been breaking a lot as of late. This parenting thing is tough. And stepping in as a step-parent? It’s certainly not a role for the faint of heart. I’ve avoided writing here because I…

Jesus has Enough

I had grand plans for this month. January is Emma’s birthday month, and I planned to share a myriad of Emma stories and lessons I learned from her five years of life. “God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4, NLT But something…

Lessons from Emma’s Life: On Love

Does love end with the final breath? Does it stop when one no longer walks the earth? This question twirls and spins about my mind of late. Not because I’m about to breathe my last. No, I’m thinking about my precious little girl, my Emma. Her…

Lessons From Emma’s Life: Trusting God When Life Hurts

She would have turned 17 this year. I can’t imagine the length of her hair or the hue of her eyes anymore. The sound of her voice and things that would make her heart beat fast elude me, this sweet’s girls mama. Would her face resemble mine or…