
A Letter to Me, at 33

Dear Me, at 33, Hello, sweet one. It’s me, at 43. Ten years and I’ve got to tell you, it’s been, well, tough, to say the least. There’s a part of me, um, of us, that wants to warn you of what’s to come. I…

Waiting Well: A Mom’s Letter After the Death of Her Daughter

Sweet girl, I miss you. It’s hard to believe over 9 years have passed since I last saw your smile, heard your giggle, felt your squeeze wrapped around my neck.  I think about you. all. the. time. I wonder what you would be like: your interests, your talents, your…

God is Trustworthy, No Matter the Trouble

I remember the moment. My youngest daughter and her dad had been admitted to the hospital in critical condition. A matter of life and death. staring at the carpet, the weight of reality pressed deep in my soul, squeezing my heart. The morning started as usual: a quick walk. The…

A Single Step

The blank page stares at me, beckoning, challenging me to fill its space. To express the thoughts and ideas and rants stirring deep within. The flashing cursor dares me, taunting me to be courageous and share what’s inside. But until today, something has stopped me. silenced me. almost…