I sat across from her at a local coffee shop —me with a latte in hand, her with eyes brimming with tears.
But I just want to know, she shared. Is this what I’m called to do?
My heart ached as I listened to my friend pour out her heart. The angst was genuine as she longed to follow and obey God’s call on her life but struggled to know what to do.
Like my friend, I often connected what I did or was supposed to do with God’s calling.
Was I called to work with kids or write?
Was I called to work at this church or that one?
Was I called to live in this state or that one?
What if those weren’t the questions I needed to ask? What if Jesus offered a more straightforward answer? (Hint: He usually does, though Jesus’ simple answers aren’t typically easy ones.)
During the forty days following Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples spent more time with him, listening and learning, seeing proof that he was alive.
What that must’ve been like! To think the one they followed and loved . . .and had watched die, was actually alive! Can you imagine, then, what happened when they talked about what was next. Jesus instructed them not to leave Jerusalem but to “wait for the gift my Father promised, and you have heard me speak about (Acts 1:4).”
Their response? Yes! Of course! We understand now.
“Then they gathered around him and asked him, ‘Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”
Acts 1:6
Instead of correcting them, Jesus simply continued. He explained it’s not up to them to know some of the specifics of what would happen. What did Jesus call them to do? “And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).”
That’s the call Jesus placed on his disciples —to be Jesus’ witness wherever we go. And it’s the same for us today.
But what does it mean to be a witness? To tell someone else what was seen.
So the question begs –what did the disciples see?
They saw Jesus, and Jesus said since they saw him, they also saw his Father.
“If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”
John 14:7
The disciples saw God working out his plan of salvation through Jesus. They saw a new way to interact with God and with people. The disciples saw healing and love, and compassion. They saw the relationship Jesus had with his Father. They saw Jesus invite people into a new way of living. They saw changed lives.
And Jesus called them to share what they saw with others, to proclaim the good news of God’s love and grace and compassion.
Psalm 107:2 says it this way: “Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story.”
And Jesus called them to share what they saw with others, to proclaim the good news of God’s love and grace and compassion.
Let those who have been rescued and transformed declare the goodness of God to any who will listen!
Have you been touched by the healing hand of God? Tell someone!
Have you been rescued from the snare of sin? Share what happened!
Have you been comforted by the Comforter Himself? Offer that comfort to others.
May we be people who live out God’s personal call on our lives —to recognize and witness the transforming work He is doing, and then share what we see with others.
**This post was originally written for Centralia Community Church’s blog: Beyond Sunday. You can read what happened at the resurrection here**
I’m exploring the stories of five women throughout this month through A Legacy of…
Everyone has a story. I’m exploring the stories of five women throughout this…
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