Dear Beloved,
Do you have a moment? Lean in close, there’s something very important, very special, you need to hear. Slow down the scrolling. Take a deep breath. Are you ready?
You. Are. Loved.
Yes, you. The one scanning these words, searching for something to fill this moment, coffee in hand with a to-do list rivaling an wish list.
You, the one whose heart has been broken so often you’re afraid to allow anyone near. So you stay distant, aloof, “professional,” while deep inside you yearn for something more. You, sweet one, are loved.
And you, the one with littles scampering about your feet, longing for a shower but settling in to realize that probably won’t happen today. Again. You are loved.
You, the one who buried her husband, her child, her parents, far too soon. You are loved.
You, the one who has been so battered and beaten by life your shoulders slump under the weight of weariness. You are loved.
You are loved with a passion that sent our Savior to the cross. You are loved to the point of delight, with joy, and gladness simply because you’re, well, you.
You are loved not because of anything you have or haven’t done, what you believe or don’t believe, not because of anything you say, or don’t say. You, just you, are deeply and lavishly loved. Flaws and struggles and insecurities and confidence and hopes and dreams. All of you. Right now, in this moment, and the next one, and the next one . . . all the way until eternity.
For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
The Creator of the universe delights in you. Yes, even with no makeup and stained shirts and frustration that boils over into yelling. You, with your brokenness and rough edges and hidden pain.
God loved you before the creation of the world. He loved you before you took your first breath. He loves you in the middle of the good seasons of your life, and in the middle of your muck. His love knows no bounds. It is faithful and never ending. No. Matter. What.
Scripture clearly states there is nothing that can separate you from His love. Nothing in your past, and nothing in your future. Those thoughts you had? The mistakes you made? The dreams you abandoned? The abuse you suffered? Nothing.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow–not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.”
Romans 8:38 NLT
So in the coming days and weeks, months and years, may you be reminded of the depth of God’s love for you. When doubt creeps in, may you have the courage to stare it in the face—and yourself in the mirror—and declare . . . I. Am. Loved. When feelings threaten to overwhelm you, swamp you, and sway you away from believing what is true, may God place people in your life to declare over you . . . You. Are. Loved. And on those nights when darkness closes in, and uncertainty steals into your heart, may you hear God whispering deep in your soul . . . You are loved.
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