
When Remembering Hurts

She had no idea what she had done. Tears filled my eyes as she spoke. Life had been like a slow dripping faucet filled with discouragement and uncertainty as I tried to figure out life in this land of in-between. Memories of my past clouded my vision for the…

Always be Thankful . . . Wait, Always?

She looked at me with those big, dark brown eyes. “It was a horrible day.” Tears of frustration flowed as she poured out her disappointment and struggles over something that happened during school. Partway through her tale of woe, the conversation shifted from sharing about a specific circumstance to creating…

The Poison of Unforgiveness

I’ll never forgive you as long as I live! Her shouted words revealed the depth of pain that filled her little heart. She was only nine, yet the sting of anger was evident as she and her brother argued. Declaring those words, she gave voice to the feelings festering…

Hope and the Messiness of Spring’s Thaw

Have you ever wondered if God has a sense of humor? Last month a friend, Jelise, reached out to ask if I’d like to write a guest post for her blog. I’d love to! I quickly responded. After chatting, I decided to write about the one thing I…