
Tiptoeing Through the Eggshells

No one told me how difficult marriage could be. Most of what I knew I gathered through observation. Observing my parents navigate cross-country moves and long work hours. Observing my newly-married friends enjoying one another’s company while striving to put the other first, learning the power of…


Does God Really Love Me?

Does God really love me? Yes, He really does. God loves you with a deep, abiding love. He loves you more than you will ever know or possibly imagine. Check out John 3:16, the most recognized Bible verse: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one…


Is Heaven for Real?

I remember the day I felt heaven kiss earth. I stood next to my youngest daughter, desperately praying for faith to believe what I could not see. I stood welcoming person after person offering condolences, sharing tears as each passed by her tiny casket. My body stood, but my mind…


Free to Soar

“Higher!” I cried. “Hold tight!” Leaning in, my hands grasping his, my dad pushed me up as I balanced my little four-year-old body against his feet. I giggled, and he laughed as he stretched his legs as far as they would go. “I’m flying!” I looked down…


Choose to be Unshakeable

Nothing shakes the foundation of our lives like experiencing pain. I don’t mean the stub-your-toe-and-a-bad-word-might-slip-out kind. I’m talking about the gut-wrenching, life-altering, never-the-same-again, questioning-all-you-know variety. The visit to the doctor. The…
