
Advent: Finding Hope in our Uncertainties

People were everywhere. A weary young man trudged through the crowd where she waited. Frustrated, he shook his head as he drew near. No room, he whispered. But there is one option. Carefully, he led the donkey down the way a bit, the creature that carried his very pregnant wife…

75 Things My Mom Taught Me

I remember it like it was almost yesterday. My mom and I stood at the top of the stairs of my childhood home and, like many angsty teens, I was crying. The funny thing is that I don’t fully remember what I was crying about. A relationship. A disappointment…

Jesus has Enough

I had grand plans for this month. January is Emma’s birthday month, and I planned to share a myriad of Emma stories and lessons I learned from her five years of life. “God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4, NLT But something…

Lessons From Emma’s Life: Trusting God When Life Hurts

She would have turned 17 this year. I can’t imagine the length of her hair or the hue of her eyes anymore. The sound of her voice and things that would make her heart beat fast elude me, this sweet’s girls mama. Would her face resemble mine or…