
Choose to be Unshakeable

Nothing shakes the foundation of our lives like experiencing pain. I don’t mean the stub-your-toe-and-a-bad-word-might-slip-out kind. I’m talking about the gut-wrenching, life-altering, never-the-same-again, questioning-all-you-know variety. The visit to the doctor. The…


God Restores what the Fire Destroys

The sky filled with dark, billowing smoke. My car sped closer as I realized the smoke rose from the direction of my house. Not again, my soul whispered. Logic told me it was just a controlled burn, a way to manage the density of trees & shrubs and restore new…


When Even Though Enters In

She stood among the sea of people, eyes closed, arms lifted high. The music swelled and her arms stretched farther, higher, as if trying to touch heaven itself. My eyes drank in the sight: this brave woman who stood alone even though she was surrounded by others. Drawn to this…


The Poison of Unforgiveness

I’ll never forgive you as long as I live! Her shouted words revealed the depth of pain that filled her little heart. She was only nine, yet the sting of anger was evident as she and her brother argued. Declaring those words, she gave voice to the feelings festering…


Joseph and a Shift in Perspective

I’d been planning the trip for weeks, physically preparing for months. This ride was one step closer to my ultimate goal: a century ride. A hundred miles meandering through two states. When I first started riding, I was a hundred pounds overweight and peddling a bike for even a…
