
Standing at the Edge of the Sea

I wish I could tell you I wish I could convey what it’s like to lose a child. I know some of you know. I do. Child loss comes in all shapes and sizes, and forms. Some children die before they’re fully formed, while others die after decades…


Substance Over Shadow: Finding Faith in Jesus

Fear of Shadows Tears trickled down her 2-year-old cheeks. Knees high, she quickly lifted one leg, then the other, afraid to let her feet touch the ground. If I hadn’t known better, I’d have thought she was walking across hot coals.  My youngest and…


Deep Roots, Old Trees, and a Life of Faith

There is a tree on Johns Island about 12 miles from the Ashley River in South Carolina that is said to be at least 400 years old. The Angel Oak. This Southern Live Oak stands about 65 feet high with a circumference of 25.5 feet, and its branches reach…


God’s Trustworthiness in the Face of Fire

Decisions are a serious of moments, don’t you think? We make huge decisions but if we take a step back, we can see how each larger decision is really made up of a series of smaller ones, guiding us toward that life-changing moment. I remember one, those life…


On Birthdays after the Death of a Child

“My great-great-grandmother’s portrait hung in the university up until the Revolution. By then, the truth of their romance had been reduced to a simply fairy tale. And, while Cinderella and her prince did live happily ever after, the point, gentlemen, is that they lived.” – Grand Dame…
