Child loss

Standing at the Edge of the Sea

I wish I could tell you I wish I could convey what it’s like to lose a child. I know some of you know. I do. Child loss comes in all shapes and sizes, and forms. Some children die before they’re fully formed, while others die after decades…


The Weight of Sorrow

I sat on my couch utterly exhausted. I’d been coughing for six days – deep, lung-wracking coughs that snatched at my breath. As I labored to breathe, a thought swept over me. I was done. I was tired of breathing and wanted it to stop so I could rest…


God’s Trustworthiness in the Face of Fire

Decisions are a serious of moments, don’t you think? We make huge decisions but if we take a step back, we can see how each larger decision is really made up of a series of smaller ones, guiding us toward that life-changing moment. I remember one, those life…


10 Things I’ve Learned Since my Daughter Died

There’s a ratty old hoodie I occasionally think about throwing away. The cuffs are stained with bleach. The sleeves no longer reach my wrist. More than once, a kind soul points out the small stain just right of the zipper. I’m quick to explain its origin…


Traveling the Unknown

Today is an important day for my family. As I write these words, it’s the tenth anniversary of a house fire that not only destroyed our home, but snatched away the breath of my youngest daughter and set me on an unexpected journey of loss and sorrow . . . as well…
